DifferentIs Calling

Introducing Canada’s first
5G subscription phone plans.

Hey Canada,

At Public Mobile, we’ve always done things differently, because we aren’t afraid to be ourselves. We’re constantly evolving and embracing our uniqueness, just like we want you to embrace yours!

We know many Canadians are looking for something different when it comes to their phone service. You want something that fits your life, does what it promises, gives you the flexibility to change things up on your terms, with no surprises or extra fees.

With you in mind, we’ve designed something fresh and different, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it. Today we’re introducing Canada’s first 5G subscription phone service.

You might be thinking, “what’s a 5G subscription phone service?” Good question. With our new 5G subscription phone service, you choose the speed plan and premium features that work for you and your budget, put it on a recurring monthly or 90-day subscription payment plan, and forget about it! No overage fees, no credit checks, no confusing contracts and no surprises — all on Canada’s largest network. Simply put, our 5G subscription phone service means you call the shots.

With Public Mobile, everything is done online, at your convenience. From easy activations that take only a few minutes with eSIM, 24/7 account management and digital support, and amazing rewards with Public Points – you can do it all any time through our new Public Mobile app or at publicmobile.ca. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it, too?

Now let’s talk about what really matters: our new, fast and reliable 5G-speed plans with unlimited data. Want to binge-watch your favourite shows all day long without the buffering? Go ahead! Want to share your epic adventures on social in real time? You do you! And if you’re thinking, “slow down, I’m not sure I’m ready for 5G,” we’ve got you — our 4G plans are still available, if that’s more your speed.

We know change can be scary, but it can also be exhilarating. Think about all the times you've stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new. Maybe it was trying a new cuisine, taking a dance class, or getting a bold new haircut. Remember how great it felt to shake things up and embrace something different? That's the feeling we want you to have with Public Mobile.

So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, and make the switch to Public Mobile. After all, different is calling — and it's calling you.


Jim Senko Signature

Jim Senko,
Chief of the Unexpected Officer

© 2023 Public Mobile